Talent Without Borders – A Global Talent Economy Posted at 10:18, Fri, 1 July 2022 in Company Updates Industry Insights

Last year as we started to emerge from Covid we undertook a significant piece of research to start to test the impact of the pandemic on ways of working, and the global talent market. You can download the full PDF here or read on for further context.
As an executive search firm, The MitchelLake Group’s services are often deployed by multinational and growth ventures looking to access global talent pools and expand into new markets by identifying expert leadership on the ground, or sourcing and relocating expertise from deeper talent markets. This can be a challenging and laborious task, particularly when there are families, schools, visas, and other constraints now involved.
But with many professionals now having worked remotely for more than a year, it makes sense to ask what this is going to mean for the global workforce once the pandemic starts to abate.
The Talent Without Borders white paper by Mitchellake aims to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way we live and how we work.
Talent Without Borders will also uncover how remote working is going to change the way we hire, giving specific focus to how adapting to global remote work will allow companies to engage in more cross-country or even cross-continent hiring. Just as importantly, we’ll consider the cultural and structural changes businesses need to make to achieve a successful transition from local to global hiring.
To answer these questions, we’ve interviewed more than 30 senior executives and entrepreneurs from around the world, asking for their perspectives on how leadership hiring has evolved during the pandemic. Questions focused on areas such as the shifting scope of talent searches, the complexities of remote interviewing, and their individual experience of the positives and negatives of recruiting talent during one of the toughest years in living memory.
Our full research and network insights paper is available for you to download here If you find it insightful, relevant, and intriguing, drop us a comment or share it within your network.